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GospelReggae.com • View topic - TTOI

TTOIWhat do you want to see on our web sites? Do you want Christafari to record a secular cover song? Anything you can think of to assist us...Moderator: Moderator Group Post a reply21 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1, 2, 3 TTOIPostby Reggae D.O on Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:07 amHello, after doing a lot of reading...I know the Twelve tribes are Christian (right?) how do they really differ from 'mainstream' Christianity? And...if the belief that Jesus has revealed himself through Selassie (in whatever way is described), to unite people...I am having a hard time finding any differences with my beliefs. Any info. would be great...I have read many of the interviews with Gad etc. I am planning to possibly visit Ethiopia in March, and am trying to tie up some loose ends here. Blessings. RootsDr"...on the continual quest for righteousness." Blessings.User avatarReggae D.O Posts: 85 Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:20 pm Location: CATopttoiPostby Paulos on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:45 amFrom what I have read and learned from reasoning with certain ones and ones is that the Twelve Tribes of Israel is fundamentally a Christian movement that professes the key tenants of evangelical Christianity, that we should be "born again", that the bible is the world of God and that it should be read daily, all the while affirming the ideal enshrined in the Nicene Creed of one holy and apolostic (read Orthodox) church. Still it seems to try to move away from the Orthodox church's tendency for rites and regard faith as a matter of the heart. They acknowledge the lineage of Haile Selassie having it's root with David, and actively promotes the reestablishment of the monarchy in Ethiopia as the fullfillment of God's promise that "Israel" shall not be without a King from David's line.They sight Selassie as an "icon" or image of Christ, his kingship and lineage representative of Christ's "Kingly Character"; however, at least most reject the idea that Selassie was God.The name "Twelve Tribes", however, raises a few eyebrows as Gad teaches that we are assigned to our tribe based on the month we are born with its corresponding zodiac sign. This problably stems from the idea that africans are the original descendants of Israel, who have been lost, torn from Africa, and therefore do not have the geneological knowledge of their ancestry or to which tribe they should originally belong.While all some of this may be criticized, I would say that the Twelve Tribes seems to be evolving constantly in the right direction. They are the most tolerant of the organized houses of Rastafari, they flat out reject all notions of racism, and they are...when it comes down to it...a Christian group.It was Bob Marley's association with this group that lead to his baptism in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, his affirmation of Christ as his savior, and his denunciation of the belief that Selassie is God.Hope this helps.GuidancePaulos Posts: 3 Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:07 am Location: Regensburg, GermanyTopPostby perfectloveinH.I.M. on Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:25 pmThis pretty much meks them a Non Rastafari entity. When they have the King in front of them and stilla wait ponna guy out the sky, pure folly.Holy Immanuel I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari!HIM Haile Selassie II am no longer bound by theology because I know that every action is judgement, which meks everyday judgement day so trod accordingly. The teachings of Haile Selassie I have made this a cocncrete reality for I. Hail HIMperfectloveinH.I.M. Forum Veteran Posts: 237 Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:44 am Location: ohio, usTopTwelve tribes = non rasta!?Postby talawa on Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:29 pmSo TTOI is non rasta? Is that the common overstanding of TTOI among other rastahouses? If Marley belonged to TTOI and is seen (at least in the western world) as the rastaicon above all others does that mean that he was not rasta - I don´t get it!More guidance anyone?:roll:"It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."User avatartalawa Forum Veteran Posts: 122 Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2001 7:00 pm Location: SwedenTopPostby talawa on Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:36 pm perfectloveinH.I.M. wrote:When they have the King in front of them and stilla wait ponna guy out the sky, pure folly.I think that when you mention the "guy" you are talking about Jesus - right!?And the "king" would be Selassie according to you - is that correct?:roll:"It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."User avatartalawa Forum Veteran Posts: 122 Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2001 7:00 pm Location: SwedenTopSomething more about TTOI and Fullfilled rastafari!?Postby talawa on Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:19 amAnyone else who could share some knowledge about TTOI? For sure there must be someone (any TTOI-members visiting)? A question: has anyone heard about fullfilled rastafari? I think it was Judy Mowatt who first used the words to describe her faith. It would be great to hear from anyone belonging to that "house" or who knows anything about it.Jah blessings in Christ!"It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."User avatartalawa Forum Veteran Posts: 122 Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2001 7:00 pm Location: SwedenTopRe: TTOIPostby perfectloveinH.I.M. on Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:00 amIses unto HIM,Yes Talawa Ini am refering to the most recent King of Kings, HIM Haile Selassie I. In I opinion 12 Tribes are not Ras by any stretch of the imagination, they are a Christian group that does not deny the existence of the Emperor. Ones always are quick to cite Bob being TTOI but ones must remember that when the entire TTOI movement was being spearheaded by Prophet Gad, the only difference was in the placement of one inna tribe according to ones Earthday not different viewpoints in the divinity of HIM. When Bob was dealing with TTOI, it was more along those lines and the chapter a day slogan Gad is known for. It wasn't until 1997, on Irie FM that Prophet Gad denounced the Ivinty of HIM and started talking about the Jesus vibes.Fulfilled Rases are basically another spinoff of TTOI that does cite HIM as the Almighty in flesh but focuses upon the Emperor's instructions to follow Christianity. The only problem with this is that the Emperor never reasoned about Jesus to non-Christians. Check the context, whenever He speaks on Christianity, the E.T Church, Jesus or the bible, He is speaking directly to ones who are already Christians. His Majesty never told a one that wasn't already a Christian that Jesus was the only way and that was final. HIM Haile intelligent, HIM knew that the Christian vibes upon the world stage were basically a "johnny come lately" and that Confuscious, Buddha and various others had come way before with the same message and same directions to Zion. HIM deal with the Hindu of India, the Buddhist of China, the Japanese, numerous Islamic nations and practically all the "Christian" nations of the Earth and HIM maintained His trod without disregarding a next ones.Holy Emmanuel I,Selassie I-Jah RastafariI am no longer bound by theology because I know that every action is judgement, which meks everyday judgement day so trod accordingly. The teachings of Haile Selassie I have made this a cocncrete reality for I. Hail HIMperfectloveinH.I.M. Forum Veteran Posts: 237 Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:44 am Location: ohio, usTopRe: TTOIPostby LionHeart777 on Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:31 pm"johnny come lately"I must respectfully disagree perfectloveinH.I.M. From a human point of view, it starts back in Genesis (ie creation.) Although I hesitate to quote the Bible to you because I don't think that you hold it to be the infallible Word of God.... Confuscious, Buddha and various others had come way before with the same message and same directions to ZionI must admit that I am not an expert in Buddhism or Confusciosism, but from what I do know they are MILES APART from Judaism (in its original form)/Christianity.Did not Haile Selassie die and return to dust as a man does????? As opposed to Christ who did not see decay according to Scripture and was raised from the dead to appear to witnesses. I'm not talking about a 'jesus character" but the actual Historical person of Christ. The true Immanuel--God incarnate--Alpha Omega--the eternal Son of God"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."1John 4:7
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